Ideal fastening tool for modern assembly line. IEC proudly introduces latest generation of Accura Oil Pulse Shut Off Wrenches (ST) with three basic criteria.
High Accuracy
High Power to Weight Ratio & Enhanced Ergonomics
Powerful Double Chamber Air Motor
The Double Chamber Air Motor delivers higher torque than conventional single chamber air motor. This offers higher power to weight ratio leading to superior and economical performance.
Fast and Accurate tightening
Accuracy is crucial, in case of hard and soft joints, the same are tightened accurately. Thus providing high product quality on your lines. Since the Accura Pulse Tools have a wide range, each tool can be adjusted for many applications.
Auto Shut Off Mechanism
Accura pulse Shut Off Wrenches are incorporated with automatic shut off mechanism. The tool will shut off on achieving the preset torque desired on the application. The shut off indicates completion of cycle to the Operator *