This pump meant for feeding grease to bearing & other moving parts of machines & other lightly machines having 1 to 20 lubrication point
On pulling the handle of pump, grease are sucked through suction port on pushing handle of pump grease comes out under pressure
check value. Spring pressure through follower plate exerted over the top surface of the grease further helps to push the grease in con
Pump is made up of purely transparent acrylic reservoir for storage of grease. For sensing the Grease level a tell tale rod is provide and follower
plate assembly for help in positive suction of grease. It contains two outlet part of BSP right and left side in which one is used as air bleed valve
and second part used as a outlet. To check reverse flow of grease, a non return valve is provide in the system at the outlet port
Grease can be filed manually or with another pump. Filing from pump BSP port is provide. Manually, we have to remove follower plate,
spring, top cover and fill the grease from the top of the reservoir and to fit all the components by pressure. For air removing unscrew the bleed
plug pull the handle maximum out and press the follower plate by knob till grease comes out from bleed plug
A Progressive block is used to distribute the grease to the available lubrication points in sequence one after another. Progressive Blocks are added as per requirement